07 June 2015

Kashmir "The Good Life" (1999)

The Good Life
release date: Jun. 7, 1999
format: cd
[album rate: 2,5 / 5] [2,33]
producer: Joshua (Jon Schumann) and Kashmir
label: Start / Sony - nationality: Denmark

Track highlights: 1. "Mom in Love, Daddy in Space" - 4. "Graceland"

3rd studio album by Kashmir, and here produced by Kent producer Joshua. Here, the band has changed its style somewhat and moved away from the grunge rock element. It's also evident that it's still not that original as they now found the music more on alt. rock as played by Pearl Jam and / or art rock as played by Radiohead.
I only regret purchasing this album beacuse I found the first track quite good - for some time, at last.