18 May 2014

Liz Green "Haul Away!" (2014)

Haul Away!
release date: Apr. 14, 2014
format: cd
[album rate: 3,5 / 5] [3,48]
producer: Liam Watson
label: Play It Again Sam - nationality: England, UK

Track highlights: 1. "Battle" - 2. "Haul Away" - 3. "Rybka" - 4. "River Runs Deep" - 5. "Where the River Don't Flow" - 7. "Into My Arms" - 8. "Island Song" - 9. "Little I"

2nd album by Liz Green released on Play It Again Sam. Liz is a multi-talented artist, who did the artwork as she did on her debut O, Devotion! (2011). Aside for singing, writing and composing these songs, she's credited on piano, guitar, organ, clarinet, and banjo.
The album takes off where the debut left us three years ago. Liz keeps to her formula, and thank god for that, because she has such a unique voice and style. This may turn out as wonderful as the debut, but I haven't accustomed to this as her first release.
EDIT May 2014: Liz Green is quite unique, and she's really one of the most interesting modern solo artists from Britain today. This album is fine - far from a mediocre release - but it's not really up there alongside her astonishing debut.