04 August 2017

Olesen-Olesen "Solsort og forstærker" (2005)

Solsort og forstærker
release date: Oct. 3, 2005
format: cd (melo 003) / vinyl (2017 reissue white vinyl)
[album rate: 3,5 / 5] [3,58]
producer: Nikolaj Nørlund
label: Melodika / Wouldn't Waste Records - nationality: Denmark

Track highlights: 1. "November mere end nogensinde" (4 / 5) - 2. "Du er så tæt på jeg ikke kan se dig" - 4. "Alt er Ørnsbo i dag" - 7. "Mit job" - 11. "Jeg lytter til country langt ude på landet"

6th studio album by Olesen-Olesen and the duo's third release on Melodika is their first to be produced by Nikolaj Nørlund. With a new producer, the brothers here engage in a more rock-styled sound than heard on the predecessor, Hårdnakket idyl from 2003. The album links better with their first two albums mixed with the style from their former band, Greene, but in that respect it doesn't really bring about much new.
I don't find it among the duo's better albums, although, it's far from bad. It's just their first album not to bring something new, either musically, stylistically or lyrically. Naturally, it's not always a mission just to foster novelty if you have your own unique style and sound, and this duo has often shown to wander its own ways, but with a return to what sounds more like influences from other artists, I don't find is the brightest move. A track like "Alt er Ørnsbo i dag" sounds like an alt. rock version of PJ Harvey in a session with Pixies and despite being a fine track, it brings a little disorder to the overall direction to the album. Other tracks have a clear country-rock feel, which bonds more with their more recent albums, and there are also traces of post-punk, alt. rock, folk rock and indie rock, which makes it less of a coherent, experience, although, the lyrics are strong as usual.
[ Gaffa.dk, Soundvenue 4 / 6 stars ]