15 August 2012

Van Morrison "T.B. Sheets" (1973)

T.B. Sheets (compilation)
release date: Dec. 1973
format: digital
[album rate: 3 / 5]
producer: Bert Berns
label: Bellaphon Records - nationality: Northern Ireland, UK

Track highlights: 4. "Madame George" - 8. "Brown Eyed Girl"

Compilation album by Van Morrison is like the debut Blowing Your Mind originally released by Bert Berns on Bang Records without Morrison's knowledge or consent. The album contains eight tracks of which one half are taken from the debut album - the remaining tracks from Van's time with Them and early recordings of two tracks appearing on Astral Weeks. The production is credited Berns himself but it really is far from good.
The album has been labelled as unauthorised but is all the same enlisted on Morrison's own official website.
This is really not recommended for any other than completionists.