24 March 2017

The Cardigans "Long Gone Before Daylight" (2003)

Long Gone Before Daylight
release date: Mar. 24, 2003
format: digital
[album rate: 3 / 5] [2,98]
producer: Per Sunding and The Cardigans
label: Stockholm Records - nationality: Sweden

Track highlights: 2. "You're the Storm" (3 / 5) - 7. "For What It's Worth" (3 / 5) - 9. "Live and Learn" (3 / 5)

5th studio album by The Cardigans. It took the band 5 years to put this album together and rumours had it that the band was history and no new material would be released. Vocalist Nina Persson was involved in her side-project A Camp and the bassist Magnus Sveningsson in his own project Righteous Boy, however, the band continues in the style from the predecessor, Gran Turismo with a slower more traditional pop / rock but also a new folk rock or country rock style that seem bound to an American musical tradition. In my opinion, this is their least interesting effort.
[ allmusic.com 2,5 / 5, Rolling Stone 3 / 5 stars ]