30 September 2013

T. Rex "Futuristic Dragon" (1976)

Futuristic Dragon
release date: Jan. 30, 1976
format: cd
[album rate: 3 / 5] [3,14]
producer: Marc Bolan
label: EMI - nationality: England, UK

Track highlights: 2. "Jupiter Liar" - 3. "Chrome Sitar" - 4. "All Alone" - 6. "My Little Baby"

11th studio album by T. Rex and again with Bolan in full control. 1976 was the year when punk rock exploded in Britain with The Damned, Sex Pistols, The Clash and a totally different approach to music. but it was also a fine year for Marc Bolan, although, his music had a hard time getting through to the crowd he used to appeal to.
This is actually a fine and daring album with some nice tracks, but... Bolan keeps to a formula based on glam rock and boogie with the addition of soul and funk elements, which may feel a bit strange and somewhat dated when thinking of the time of its release. "My Little Baby" is a mighty fine track and would have fitted perfectly on The Slider or Tanx.