release date: 1980
format: vinyl (MdLP 6021) / cd
[album rate: 5 / 5] [4,85]
producer: Kliché, Poul Bruun
label: Medley Records - nationality: Denmark
Tracklist: A) 1. "Igen og igen" - 2. "Havets blå" (live) - 3. "Hetz" - 4. "Militskvinder" - 5. "Panorama" - - B) 1. "Aldrig mere" - 2. "Stjernerne i deres øjne" - 3. "Bodyguards" - 4. "Masselinjen"

Studio debut album by the Danish band Kliché at this point consisting of Lars Hug [Lars Haagensen] on vocals and guitar, Johnny Voss [Johannes Møller] on bass and vocals, Jens Valo [Jens Danielsen] on keyboards, and with Anders Brill [Anders Gilberg] on drums. In my mind this is not only the most important Danish rock album but also the best. It was like a lightning from a clear blue sky when the album was released. Undoubtedly they had made some original singles and a noteworthy appearance on the Danish punk compilation Pære Punk but what sound (compare to other albums of the time), and what originality - it just blew you away! They dressed like Devo but the music was much more inspired by Eno (well, it was of course better!), Bowie and Roxy Music. However, they had hit the gas pedal and simplified and modernized the music. The album has no weak spots and it contains several truly original classics. Alas, they lit up so strongly and lasted only few years releasing only two albums - "but what a debut outta the blue!" This album is a must if you are interested in Danish rock. My top 3 of Danish albums: 1. Kliché Supertanker (1980), 2. Steppeulvene Hip (1967), 3. C.V. Jørgensen I det muntre hjørne (1989).
1980 Favourite releases: 1. Joy Division Closer - 2. Kliché Supertanker - 3. The Jam Sound Affects
[ collectors' item ]
... and one of their first singles: "Farvel" (not on this album)