25 November 2012

Love Shop "National" (2003)

release date: May 5, 2003
format: cd (MNWCD 389)
[album rate: 3 / 5] [3,16]
producer: Hilmer Hassig
label: MNW - nationality: Denmark

Track highlights: 2. "Sig det aldrig mere" - 3. "Bin Laden Blues" - 8. "(Før vi) kører galt" - 10. "Carpenters" - 11. "Skønhedsoperation"

7th and so far final studio album by Love Shop released on the Scandinavian label MNW. The style is much like on Anti from 2001, which I found the band's least interesting studio release to date. The album would prove to be the last by the trio of Unmack, Hassig and Hall. Drums are handled by Thomas Duus, who has participated on the band's albums since its third album Billeder af verden (some tracks are with Freddie Pedersen on drums), additional bass is played by Thomas Risell, and Mikkel Damgaard and Povl Kristian are credited for keyboards. Although, Hassig is a true multi-instrumentalist, also old collaborator Finn Verwohlt plays additional guitars.
It's like the half-hearted attempt to reproduce what worked so well on Go! (1997) with a combo of pop / rock and glam rock - here in a darker, more sinister, and slower rock version with industrial elements - only this just has fewer fine compositions and no really great ones. So, on an overall basis, I only find it clearly bettering the 2001 album, which in essence means the band's so far second "worst" album.
I think, Hilmer Hassig, the band's main musical composer and the true backbone of Love Shop, had seen the writing on the wall after two lesser releases in a row. In late 2003, he decided to leave the band, and for the remaining two members, lead vocalist Jens Unmack and backing vocalist, harmonica-player and keyboardist, Henrik Hall, this literally meant that the band could not survive, so they prepared to finish the era with two compilation albums in early 2004. Little did they know that sadder events eventually should revive the band in 2009. In the meantime, both Unmack and Hall would go on to pursue solo careers and release fine solo albums. But National is really not the place to start if you want to know this band.
[ Gaffa.dk 4 / 6 stars ]