12 September 2014

Jan Garbarek "All Those Born With Wings" (1987)

All Those Born With Wings
release date: Feb. 1, 1987
format: cd (ECM 1324)
[album rate: 4 / 5] [3,78]
producer: Manfred Eicher
label: ECM Records - nationality: Norway

Tracklist: 1. "1st Piece" (3,5 / 5) - 2. "2nd Piece" (4 / 5) - *3. "3rd Piece" (4 / 5) - 4. "4th Piece" (3,5 / 5) - 5. "5th Piece" (4 / 5) - 6. "6th Piece" (3 / 5)
* In Memory of Andrej Tarkowskij

Studio album by Jan Garbarek, as always, produced by Manfred Eicher. The album is quite original in that Garbarek is only musician on the album, which is to say he plays (uncredited) all instruments including saxophones, keyboards, guitar, percussion, voice and other.
The album was the very first full album I ever listen to with Garbarek, and perhaps therefore it's still among my favourite Garbarek albums. As said, it's also one of his more experimental studio releases. Some tracks could be labelled modern classical, others as ambient or new age but the overall style is one of contemporary jazz fusion or free jazz, which sometimes drifts too far into what sounds as mere improvisations, but here the compositions predominantly stay on a fixed course.