07 January 2016

Bob Mould "Life and Times" (2009)

Life and Times
release date: Apr. 7, 2009
format: cd
[album rate: 3,5 / 5] [3,36]
producer: Bob Mould
label: ANTI- (Epitaph Records) - nationality: USA

Track highlights: 1. "Life and Times" - 3. "City Lights (Days Go By)" - 4. "MM 17" - 5. "Argos" - 6. "Bad Blood Better"

8th studio album by Bob Mould as solo artist is an album with Mould in control of things. On District Line from 2008, he played most instruments but here he goes even further, as he is credited for playing all instruments aside from drum parts handled by Jon Wurster.
Musically, it's not far from the predecessor where Mould blends the things he's good at: the signature power pop, the angry alt. rock and the ballad-like singer / songwriter parts that takes us back to his debut album Workbook from 1989, which in a way characterises this album the most, but it also sound much like the second and slightly better part of his former album.
Life and Times is not pure brilliance nor unforgettable like most of his recent works, but it comes out as another more than a decent return of the Mould we saw and heard in the 90s. Except for the angry "Argos" and "Spiraling Down" the album is very much like a look back on his debut with its focus on singer / songwriter and folk rock instead of more electrified power pop and alt. rock compositions of the 90s. Lyrically, it works on a high level with fine stories but it's also an album without obvious great songs, and I mostly find it the nice return with hopes of something more.
[ allmusic.com 4 / 5, Rolling Stone 3 / 5 stars ]