28 April 2014

Neil Young "Landing on Water" (1986)

Landing on Water
release date: Jul. 28, 1986
format: cd
[album rate: 2,5 / 5] [2,38]
producer: Danny Kortchmar, Neil Young
label: Geffen Records, West Germany - nationality: Canada

Track highlights: 1. "Weight Of The World" - 2. "Violent Side"

15th studio album by Neil Young is a display of his continued journey with experimental pop / rock music and a continued "lost-ness". This album is mainly synthpop a bit like Trans just without the electronic, and after which you might have thought: "Okay, nice try, or...", and then he takes on yet another lost ride into a territory where others have been and produced masterpieces as natural artists and performers of that style. Okay, it's not synthpop only. It's also pop / rock but a peculiar attempt to make a 1980s big release like a Springsteen's Born in the USA or Bowie's Let's Dance, only this is far from those apart from the production sound.
This is not recommended.
[ allmusic.com 2 / 5 stars ]