30 June 2014

Neil Young & Crazy Horse "Life" (1987) (live)

Life (live)
release date: Jun. 30, 1987
format: cd
[album rate: 3,5 / 5] [3,56]
producer: Neil Young & David Briggs
label: Geffen Records, Germany- nationality: Canada

Tracklist: 1. "Mideast Vacation" (4 / 5) - 2. "Long Walk Home" (4 / 5) - 3. "Around The World" (3 / 5) - 4. "Inca Queen" - 5. "Too Lonely" - 6. "Prisoner of Rock'n'Roll" (4 / 5) - 7. "Cryin' Eyes" (3,5 / 5) - 8. "When Your Lonely Heart Breaks" (3,5 / 5) - 9. "We Never Danced" (4 / 5)

16th studio album by Neil Young is released as Neil Young & Crazy Horse. Finally, and after almost 10 years astray, Neil is back on track! The music here is very much like Rust Never Sleeps (1979) with electrified folk rock or hard rock and elements of blues rock in combination with a strong singer / songwriter profile. Also, the album was recorded very similar to that specific album as a live recording of new songs. The track "Around the World" put him back on top as it was very well-received by radio stations and critics. I don't think it's that great, and prefer most of the other tracks. The album contains two beautiful ballads: "When Your Lonely Heart Breaks" and "We Never Danced". The strongest tracks are the first two, and on the lyrical side, Young is generally highly critical on America's military role around the world. Many tracks are just fine Neil Young songs but they're a bit overshadowed by the heavy '80s production sound with too much attention on drums and bass, which gives an overall muddied feel to the album.
[ allmusic.com 3 / 5 stars ]