06 May 2017

BEST OF 2009:
Kent "Röd" (2009)

release date: Nov. 6, 2009
format: cd
[album rate: 4,5 / 5] [4,35]
producer: Kent & Joshua (aka Jon Schumann)
label: RCA Records - nationality: Sweden

Track highlights: 2. "Taxmannen" (4 / 5) - 3. "Krossa allt" (4,5 / 5) - 4. "Hjärta" (5 / 5) - 6. "Vals för satan (din vän pessimisten)" - 7. "Idioter" (4 / 5) - 10. "Töntarna" - 11. "Det finns inga ord" (5 / 5)

8th studio album release by Kent and the second consecutive album with producer Jon Schumann continues the style launched on Tilbaka till samtiden (2007) with a bolder progression into more electronic synthpop.
If not Du & jag döden (2005) is my absolute favourite Kent album, then this is. Those two represent the very best of Kent in my mind. Here you'll find single hits like "Krossa allt", "Hjärta" and "Det finns inga ord" but unlike the previous album, the strongest tracks are within the context of the album. The whole album is like one piece of work - much like a proper composed painting, which took the band two years to realise. Everything is in place. And everything makes sense. Well, maybe just almost 'cause I have no clear idea of the exact meaning of track #1, the psalm "18:29-4". My guess is that it has to do with an overall theme about life & death, and that the psalm may be some kick-start to that theme...
Highly recommendable.
[ allmusic.com, Aftonbladet 4 / 5, Svenska Dagbladet 4 / 6, Gaffa.dk, Politiken 5 / 6 ]

2009 Favourite releases: 1. Kent Röd - 2. Gossip Music for Men - 3. Dolores O'Riordan No Baggage

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