02 January 2012

Luksus "Luksus" (ep) (1997)

(ep) [debut]
release date: 1997
format: cd
[album rate: 3 / 5] [3,16]
producer: Tue Madsen & Mikael Simpson
label: Lidocaine Records - nationality: Denmark

Track highlights: 1. "Particularly Lucky" - 2. "I Miss You" - 3. "Stardust" - 4. "El Dorado"

Studio ep debut by Danish indie pop band Luksus cosisting of vocalist and guitarist Mikael Simpson, vocalist and keyboardist Lise Westzynthius, bassist Georg Rune Andersen, and drummer Henrik Vibskov. Three tracks (tracks #4, #5, and #6) are written and composed by Simpson, two tracks (tracks #1 and #2) are credited Westzynthius, and track #3 is by Simpson and Westzynthius. The album consists of six compositions with a total running length of just under 27 minutes.
Musically, the band doesn't walk new paths, but the combo of strong influences from Lush and The Smiths are obvious, and at times a bit unoriginal. Especially, the vocal performance by Westzynthius often appears as attempts to copying the vocal phrasing by Morrissey (listen to "Particularly Lucky" and "My Late Twin (Piano)" - on which she even mentions listening to the Smiths).