25 January 2015

The Church "Heyday" (1985)

release date: Nov. 1985
format: vinyl / digital
[album rate: 3,5 / 5] [3,48]
producer: Peter Walsh
label: EMI - nationality: Australia

Track highlights: 1. "Myrrh" - 2. "Tristesse" - 3. "Already Yesterday" (video) - 4. "Columbus" (video) - 8. "Disenchanted"

4th studio album by The Church follows nearly 2½ years after Seance (Jun. 1983) and it's the band's first under contract with Warner Bros. The album was released by EMI in Europe and Australasia.
For the first time, the front cover reveals the four members of the band on an album cover [top left corner shows Marty Wilson-Piper, Steve Kilbey, Richard Ploog and Peter Koppes].
I've always had mixed feelings about this album. I had already followed the band for some years and really enjoyed their original sound and style but with this I think some of their uniqueness vanished as they - with aid from a new record label management - apparently aimed for a broader audience.
The album is fine, more so so, without obvious great tracks.
[ allmusic.com 4,5 / 5 stars ]